A long time in the making, we're proud to finally release the first and second pieces in our new double printed series! Lust and Chastity are the first counterpoint in our Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Holy Virtues line. Although they take a lot longer to actually make, the double printed ties are always exciting to design.
Intertwined snakes, conjoined Venus-like ladies, a celestial background - sure to get you hot and bothered.
Looking for a little more restraint? The padlock on the front is marked with the word "Castus" meaning "chaste" in Latin.
Be extra reminded of your favorite sin or virtue as the words "Lust" or "Chastity" are also printed inside a regal banner on the back tail of the tie.
Just effing awesome. Period.
I love that one. I'm also a big fan of the Sucker and the All Seeing Eye. Have you guys ever considered using Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower on a tie?
@Anon - I'm actually going to be releasing a Tesla Coil design later in the year, so check on back. :)
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