
Plaid Habit - new design + new silk!

New design of the week - Plaid Habit! (har har har)

Are you a design addict or fashion victim? Interlocking vintage syringes are reversed and doubled in a kaleidoscopic pattern. Fresh from the prep school underworld! Wahoo.

Finally, I have silk in colors, it's been a few years and a few manufacturers (and one positively terrifying quantity!) in order to allow them able to remain affordable ($40). Of course I still have the microfiber which is even kinder ($30) to the wallets, easier to care for and appropriate for our vegan friends. But silk. Finally. So excited. This new silk has a tight weave, is a bit more matte and as a result, holds the print detail really, really well.

Still all hand-printed right here in our downtown Detroit studio. With love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say that I love the designs--and now so does my husband! (Got him the Meatgrinder tie for his birthday and he was happily speechless.) His co-workers couldn't give him enough positive comments. You are an inspiration to all up-and-coming designers... Too bad I live in Florida. Keep up the wicked work! :-)