
A fond farewell to the holiday rush...

Happy new year to all from the TieLab! We made it through the holidays once again, every last parcel was shipped by X-mas Eve. The studio has been cleaned of all the little clippings, ink splotches and doo-dads strewn about everywhere (and mountains of take-away boxes) tons of new materials have been ordered, and cheeky new designs are in the works.

Here are a few photos of one of our last shipping days.

Normally there are no sad pouty faces in the 'Lab, but it was about 30 below with the windchill and I was making the poor thing suffer while fumbling for my camera - this was at nearly 4am. I am truly evil and sadistic.

If I can remember correctly, this was from the very last day after the last drop was made, and celebratory stickers went on noses!

So now I'm making up some new designs for you all to give your sweet things on Valentine's day, as always, they'll be subtly (or woefully) inappropriate. Hope to have 'em on out in the next few weeks.

Thank you all for a most fantastic holiday season.

Much love, health and prosperity.


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