
Back with Valentine's greetings.

Ah, love. Since Chaucer's poem linking "Saynt Valentyn" to romance was published, we've had reason to declare our affections for our beloveds at a particular time of year. Though many believe that St. Valentine's day was used to absorb the pagan Lupercalia, nobody linked any of the three St. Valentines to romance until ol' Chaucer. However, if you're decidedly pagan, Lupercalia is a GREAT reason to celebrate love... and lust. And if your sweetie isn't into sweeties, your petal isn't into flowers, and your bunny isn't into stuffed animals, where do you turn?

We've got your back, you non-traditional traditionalists. Have a peep at our more obvious choices for the holiday, and of course if you'd rather put a fork in your thigh than celebrate Valentine's day in any way, you may wish to look at our final choice below, because WE love you enough to know how good that'll feel to wear.

Heart Attack - These anatomical heart ties are appropriate for both broken hearts and targets of your affection. Get it here: Heart Attack screen printed tie from Cyberoptix.

Bombs Away! - Love bombs for your strange love! Get it here: Bombs Away! screen printed tie from Cyberoptix

Quiver: Arrows - A subtler statement, understated and versatile. Get it here: Quiver: Arrows screen printed tie from Cyberoptix.

Lust - A striking double printed tie for a bolder statement. Get it here: Lust screen printed tie from Cyberoptix

And for those who are anti-Valentine and not quite on board with Lupercalia, wear your statement proudly, darlings.

Screw - A revival of an old favorite, oh yes, we did. Granted, a statement this bold can also be used for an absolutely blatant, more positive use by gifting it to the right person. Whichever meaning you ascribe to it, get it here: Screw screen printed tie from Cyberoptix

Regardless of your decision, we hope you'll enjoy the day, solo, paired off, or in a group, and do something lovely for yourselves. You deserve it!


Tie Lab

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