
Our Forever Home at the Rust Belt Market

Our new spot at the Rust Belt Market. Photo by Chris Best.

While we absolutely enjoyed our trial run at the Rust Belt in their checkin booth, we're elated to have our new home. Built out by Chris Best and dressed and decorated by Johnny and Manzin, it was full tilt work for two days, but we think it's worth it. 

Vintage wood flooring, and the guts of a tube television set in the wall and framed, pigeonholes made from reclaimed wood and our trademark vintage cases and steamer trunks can be seen here, and hiding up in the dark, our vintage taxidermy goat sporting our Woodward Ave tie. The Rust Belt Market is in fact at the corner of Woodward and Nine Mile in Ferndale, MI and it's well worth checking out. Come stop by, check out our $5 and $10 bin of oddi-ties and have a wander around the rest of the market. It's open Saturdays and Sundays from 11am. 

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